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Concord Grape

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Dive into a burst of juicy refreshment with Lytening Hydration's Grape flavor. Infused with the rich, full-bodied taste of freshly picked grapes, this hydrating drink is both crisp and revitalizing. Crafted with our doctor-developed formula, inspired by the World Health Organization, Lytening Hydration replenishes electrolytes and hydrates you 3X faster than traditional sports drinks or water alone. Experience the ultimate grape escape and power up your hydration today!

Concord Grape
Concord Grape

Join Lytening, Fight Dehydration.

Did you know that dehydration is a widespread problem in America, with 75% of the population being dehydrated on a daily basis, and over 50% of children going to school dehydrated every day? This problem is compounded by the lack of high-quality hydration drinks that are readily available to people of all ages, especially athletes.

At Lytening, we are passionate about raising awareness about the dangers of dehydration and providing a solution to the problem. Our doctor-developed electrolyte drink mix is designed to prevent, treat, and recover from dehydration and heat-related illness. Lytening is a lifestyle, and our goal is to put our product directly in the hands of those who need it the most. By joining the Lytening family, you can help us raise awareness and prevent dehydration-related tragedies from occurring. So, are you Lytened yet? #jointhelyteningfamily #areyouenlytened


Your Questions Answered

What is Lytening, and how is it different from other hydration drinks?

Lytening is an Oral Rehydration Solution(ORS) based on a formula used by the World Health Organization that has saved approximately 70 million lives since its inception. Oral Rehydration solutions are products that are formulated to combine a correct ratio of glucose to electrolytes to speed the absorption of water and thus hydrate faster.

Lytening is within WHO guidelines for an ORS with a fantastic taste as well as a few added ingredients to amplify hydration even more. Learn more about the history and science behind the creation of Oral Rehydration Solutions by the WHO

Why is Lytening better than water alone?

Lytening contains the correct ratio of glucose to electrolytes to utilize the sodium glucose transport mechanism in your small intestine to speed hydration.

Using Lytening is comparable to using an IV drip for mild to moderate dehydration. One 16oz serving of Lytening is equivalent to drinking approximately 48 oz of water alone.

Why is Lytening better than leading sports drinks?

Leading sports drinks do not meet the WHO guidelines for an ORS. They contain too much sugar, artificial sweeteners, and often not enough electrolytes to hydrate optimally.

Also in the setting of diarrhea they often make symtoms worse, especially in children

Why does Lytening have a high sodium content?

Simply sodium is the key electrolyte in relief of dehydration. It is also needed in optimal concentration to drive the sodium glucose transporter in the small intestine required for water and electrolyte absorption.

Replacing fluid without sodium leads to excessive urine production and delayed hydration.

Why does Lytening contain sugar?

Glucose(Dextrose) ,which is the  sugar used in Lytening, is required for the sodium glucose transport mechanism in the small intestine. Water and other electrolytes follow by osmosis as sugar and sodium are absorbed through active transport.

Without the sugar the process does not work. The World Health Organization recognized this, specifically Dr. Robert Crane originally, and millions of lives saved as a result. The small amount of sugar is a must