What is Lytening?
Lytening is an Oral Rehydration Solution(ORS) based on a formula used by the World Health Organization that has saved approximately 70 million lives since its inception.
Lytening is within WHO guidelines for an ORS with a fanastic taste as well as a few added ingredients to amplify hydration even more. Learn more about the history and science behind the creation of Oral Rehydration Solutions by the WHO https://rehydrate.org/
Why is Lytening better than water alone?
Lytening contains the correct ratio of glucose to electrolytes to utilize the sodium glucose transport mechanism in your small intestine to speed hydration.
Using Lytening is comparable to using an IV drip for mild to moderate dehydration. One 16oz serving of Lytening is equivalent to drinking approximately 48 oz of water alone.
Why is Lytening better than leading sports drinks?
Leading sports drinks do not meet the WHO guidelines for an ORS. They contain too much sugar, artificial sweeteners, and often not enough electrolytes to hydrate optimally.
Also in the setting of diarrhea they often make symtoms worse, especially in children
Why does Lytening have a high sodium content?
Simply sodium is the key electrolyte in relief of dehydration. It is also needed in optimal concentration to drive the sodium glucose transporter in the small intestine required for water and electrolyte absorption.
Replacing fluid without sodium leads to excessive urine production and delayed hydration.
Why does Lytening contain sugar?
Glucose(Dextrose) which is the main sugar in Lytening is required for the sodium glucose transport mechanism in the small intestine. Water and other electrolytes follow as sugar and sodium are absorbed.
Without the sugar the process does not work. The World Health Organization recognized this, specifically Dr. Robert Crane originally, and millions of lives saved as a result. The small amount of sugar is a must.
Is Lytening NSF Certified?
Yes, Lytening is NSF Certified.
Is Lytening made in the USA?
Yes 100% made in the USA.
Do you ship internationally?
No but we plan to in the near future.
Why are electrolytes important?
- enable muscles to relax and contract normally
- allow nerves to send signals
- keep the brain and heart functioning
- Maintain proper blood ph
- move nutrients into cells
- remove waste products
When you lose body fluids for any reason you also lose electrolytes. Symptoms of dehydration then follow. Electrolytes must be replaced!!!
What is dehydration and how common is it?
Dehydration defined as 1% loss of body mass due to fluid loss.
It is an extremely common problem in the USA and across the world. Unfortunately it receives little media attention and medical focus. In the USA 75% of adults suffer chronic dehydration, drinking only 2.5 cups a day on average. 54.5% of children go to school dehydrated across the USA every day.
A common problem expected to worsen in the future!
Heat related illnesses and deaths expected to rise as global temperatures rise by 2050. Heat stroke related deaths expected to be 2.5X the current baseline.
America’s No. 1 Weather Killer Is Not Tornadoes, Flooding, Lightning or Hurricanes it is Heat Related Dehydration.
Who’s most at risk for dehydration and heat related illnesses?
COMPETITIVE ATHLETES – The news headlines from preventable dehydration related deaths we see often speak for themselves unfortunately.
In the U.S. high school athletes suffer an estimated 9,237 time-loss heat illnesses every year that are serious enough to keep them out of sports for one or more days, according to a report from the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention.
INFANTS/CHILDREN- Parents!!! hydrated children can outperform dehydrated children in exam conditions, due to improved visual attention and fine motor skills.
OLDER ADULTS -Not just a young person problem!!! senior citizen mortality rate increases depending on their level of dehydration.
OUTDOOR LABORERS –the work is exhausting enough! Dehydration causes increased strain and perceived exertion from the same task compared to someone in the normal non-dehydrated condition.
What are the symptoms of Dehydration?
Why it is important to recognize even in mild forms of dehydration?
Mild dehydration
Typically after 1-2% loss of body mass due to fluid loss
Only mild dehydration casues mental and physical problems in children, adults and the elderly.
hydrated children can outperform dehydrated children in exam conditions, due to improved visual attention and fine motor skills.
if you’re only mildly dehydrated you are as prone to errors while driving as if you’d drunk low levels of alcohol. In fact, you're 114% more likely to make an error if you're dehydrated.
In many cases dehydration can cause a reduction in cognitive ability, acute confusion and various other health problems. The biggest concern however, is that in some cases the side effects are far more serious. Research published in the Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging in 2015 actually proved that a senior patient’s mortality rate increased depending on their level of dehydration.
Dehydation > 2% body weight decreases aerobic performance, especially in warm-hot conditions
Dehydration >2%body weight decreases mental/cognitive performance
Dehydration causes increased strain and perceived exertion for the same task compared to normal non-dehydrated condition
Moderate to Severe Dehydration
Typically after at least loss of 3% body mass due to fluid loss. If cannot hydrate by mouth or if loss of body mass 7% or greater IV fluid replacement recommended!
• Heat injury. If you don't drink enough fluids when you're exercising vigorously and perspiring heavily, you may end up with a heat injury, ranging in severity from mild heat cramps to heat exhaustion or potentially life-threatening heatstroke.
• Urinary and kidney problems. Prolonged or repeated bouts of dehydration can cause urinary tract infections, kidney stones and even kidney failure.
• Seizures. Electrolytes — such as potassium and sodium — help carry electrical signals from cell to cell. If your electrolytes are out of balance, the normal electrical messages can become mixed up, which can lead to involuntary muscle contractions and sometimes to a loss of consciousness.
• Low blood volume shock (hypovolemic shock). This is one of the most serious, and sometimes life-threatening, complications of dehydration. It occurs when low blood volume causes a drop in blood pressure and a drop in the amount of oxygen in your body.
So, What's the solution to Dehydration?
Learn more from our reference sites:
Exercise and Fluid Replacement : Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise https://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/Fulltext/2007/02000/Exercise_and_Fluid_Replacement.22.aspx
ACSM Clarifies Hydration Recommendations for Athletes https://www.verywellfit.com/acsm-clarifies-hydration-recommendations-for-athletes-3119234
National Athletic Trainers' Association Position Statement: Fluid Replacement for Athletes https://www.nata.org/sites/default/files/FluidReplacementsForAthletes.pdf
Potency of Oral Rehydration Solution in Inducing Fluid Absorption is Related to Glucose Concentration | Scientific Reports https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-64818-3#:~:text=Abstract,SGLT1%20to%20induce%20fluid%20absorption.
What are the general recommendations for staying hydrated?
Prevention first by taking in the amount of water and electrolytes you lose for any reason.
Pre-exercise Fluid Replacement:
Goal is to stay euhydrated
If not euhydrated from prior exercise drink slowly at least 4 hours prior to exercise
If urine is dark or no urine output, drink more 2 hours prior to exercise
During and after exercise:
Need to fully replace fluid and electrolyte deficits
Fluid replacement depends on amount of body weight lost during exercise or illness
Formula is drink 1.5L of fluid/kg of weight loss
Replacing fluid without sodium leads to excessive urine production and delayed hydration
IV fluids typically used when weight loss exceeds 7% of body weight with inability to ingest oral fluids. No benefit of IV versus oral rehydration if less than 7% body weight loss and able to ingest oral rehydration solution
Lytening was developed to treat mild to moderate dehydration and to prevent all levels of dehydration by adequately hydrating prior to and during various causes of dehydration. However, if you cannot take oral hydration IV fluids will be needed.
How much Lytening can I consume in one day?
Adults eight 16oz doses per day. Children four 16 oz doses per day.
Is it safe to drink daily?
Yes, actually it should be encouraged for most Americans as 3 out of 4 Americans are dehydrated each day.
Is Lytening safe for children?
Yes Lytening is safe for children. We do recommend however consulting a pediatrician prior to using in children less than 12 months.
Can I use Lytening if I have diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, or sodium restrictions?
In most people with these conditions Lytening is safe however we do recommend consulting a physician prior to use if you have any of the above mentioned medical conditions.
Is it safe from allergens?
Lytening is non gmo, dairy free, gluten free, vegan, no artificial colors, no artificial dyes, and no artificial preservatives.
Can I use Lytening while I am pregnant or nursing?
Yes Lytening is used often by our pregnant or nursing customers for dehydration relief. We do suggest you consult your doctor prior to use as obviously some pregnancies do have complicating medical diseases.
Can I drink it hot or frozen?
Yes, you can drink it hot or frozen into popsicles or ice cubes